When you want to add a cozy feel and rustic appeal to your yard, there’s nothing quite like adding outdoor lamps. There are many options available when it comes to the style and material of outdoor lamps, but often the most important decision is whether to go with gas or electric lamps. Both can add great appeal to your yard, but there are important considerations when trying to choose between the two.
Benefits of Electric Lamps
Outdoor electric lamps are much more common nowadays. That’s because they have a lot of advantages over gas lamps.
Electric lamps will work for a long time before they’re in need of maintenance. Light bulbs last for a long time – especially if they’re LED bulbs. This means that you can simply flip on the lights and enjoy the light without having to think much about how well your lights are functioning.
Can be Wired to a Timer
You may not even have to think about turning on and off your outdoor electric lamps if they’re wired to a timer or light sensor. They can also usually be connected to your smartphone, so once it gets dark, you can turn on the lights without even having to get up.
More Economical
Electricity generally costs less than gas, so electric lamps usually cost less to operate than gas lamps – especially if you’re using propane instead of natural gas for your gas lamp. This difference in price may be reduced if you’re using incandescents instead of LEDs, but not by much.
In addition, outdoor electric lamps can save you even more money when you connect them to a timer. This means that you’ll never have to worry about forgetting to turn off your outdoor lamps and wasting energy.
Better at Lighting an Area
Gas lamps are pretty, but if you’re looking to increase safety and decrease the risk of accidents as people maneuver around your yard, outdoor electric lamps are a better option. It takes several more gas lamps than electric lamps to light a certain area.
The Safety of LEDs
Incandescent bulbs run hot; fire runs even hotter. Both can light the surrounding landscape on fire or burn the hands of curious children. Outdoor electric lamps with LED bulbs are the safest option for you and your family.
Using Already-Established Electrical Lines
It’s fairly simple to connect a lamp to electricity if there’s already an electric line established in your yard. If you have existing lighting in your yard, a pool pump, or other things that run on electricity, your new lamps can get wired up pretty quickly.
Benefits of Gas Lamps
Visual Appeal
There’s nothing quite like the gentle flickering of a flame. Your yard may not get the rustic feel you’re looking for if you opt for the steady light of an electric lamp.
Soft, Ambient Light
Some people find the light from electric bulbs to be too harsh. While electric lamps will let you see better, if you’re going for relaxation instead of optimized practicality, outdoor gas lamps are the way to go.
Despite the great number of advantages of electric lamps over gas lamps, if you want the coziness and visual appeal that outdoor gas lamps offer, you should go with gas lamps. After all, the main purpose of adding outdoor lighting to your yard is to make it more visually appealing; you don’t always have to let practicality be the main factor in your decision.
If you’re looking to add gas lamps, electric lamps, or other outdoor lighting to your yard, Creative Nightscapes is here to help. They are happy to answer any lighting questions you may have and help you beautify your home in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.