During the day, it is easy to see the features that make your house beautiful. But at night, poor lighting and low visibility can reduce your home’s curb appeal. Whether you’re pulling into a driveway or walking towards the front door, an exterior lighting system can highlight the beauty of your home.
Outdoor Lighting Techniques For Your House
Front Door
Lanterns can showcase the craftsmanship of your front door, and they can also provide security and clear visibility when guests are looking for the doorbell. Many homeowners choose to install wall lanterns on either side of their door. If you have a covered porch or overhang surrounding your front door, install overhead lighting for a dramatic flair.
Although they may seem like a plain feature, exterior walls add character and value to your home. Wall-washing, an outdoor lighting technique, can turn the masonry or paneling on the outside of your house into an eye-catching feature. Hire professionals who can install an outdoor lighting system that will highlight the structure of your walls.
At night, driveways can turn into potential hazards. The path to your garage is less visible in the dark, and small children or pets are harder to see. Mount wall lamps on either side of your garage, and install a post lantern at the entrance to your driveway to improve visibility. Lights mounted in trees aiming downward gives a wonderfully authentic moonlight effect. For even more light, run small light fixtures down both sides of your driveway so that you can see anything that might be blocking your path.
Do you need to install an outdoor lighting system? Creative Nightscapes, an exterior landscape lighting design company, has been serving Dallas homeowners for more than ten years. Contact us at 817-581-6936 for a free quote!